Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Extravaganza II: Black Friday?!

I learned only tonight that the reason it's Black Friday is that's the day and the way that retailers traditionally get their finances back in the black. I've never been shopping the day after Thanksgiving, but tomorrow, gulp, I will be braving the chaos for a much needed printer at an unbeatable price.

Marissa has been working on putting together a CD of mostly instrumental music called "Healing Wings." Our printer has been out of ink and on the fritz for several weeks now, so, in order to print labels for the CD, we need a new printer. We've been shopping around for different options and prices, but Walmart has a deal on an HP that's hard to pass on: $25.00. So I will be at the doors when they open at 0500 tomorrow morning.

I have a strategy for making sure I get the deal I'm after, but being a Black Friday virgin, I'm not at all certain of its success potential. Being there early is part of the plan, going as a blogging observer is another. I'm also planning on being well rested and traveling light. I'm not really worried about people wanting to fight over a printer tomorrow, but I do have a Plan B just in case; I'll shop softly and carry a big stick.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a debriefing upon completion of Mission Deskjet. If you don't hear from me before 1700, send in reinforcements. I'll be in the electronics department.

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