Saturday, September 27, 2008

In Demonstration Of The Spirit And Of Power

PowerHouse Christian Center wrapped up its GodPOWER conference series this weekend with GodPOWER3: Faith, Miracles, and Healings. We prayed and expected God to do great things all summer. He did.

Marissa's week-long bout with nausea ceased after someone prayed for her. My ankle finally feels 100% after spraining it several years ago. One lady had hearing aids when she came in and left without them in (came back Saturday without them at all). Another lady was healed of bipolar disorder and delivered from some oppressing demonic spirits. A gentleman who had injured his arm riding horses and couldn't hold it out straight went home with a straight arm AND restored hearing. A woman with an injured vocal fold went home without pain and talking normally. Several relationships were also restored.

I could list several other testimonies if I could remember them all; we had about 40 people in attendance. God's Word works! Hallelujah!

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