Saturday, June 23, 2007

New-to-us Couch And "Are Those Watermelons?"

My college roommate and his wife graciously gave us their sleeper sofa. They too had a baby boy recently and are converting one of their living areas into a baby-safe play area. And today was "moving day" for the couch. Barry and I struggled to get it out of their house and then into ours. I just don't think sleeper sofas were meant to be moved through a normal doorway. Appliances are also notoriously too big to move through doorways without getting creative.

I hereby publicly challenge home builders, furniture designers, and appliance manufacturers to work together to come up with a standardized solution to this all too frequent problem. I know it's not just me; if Friends can satirize the issue by having Ross saw a sofa in half to get it into his apartment, then perhaps it's a genuine concern. And I'm not just spouting words here. I fully intend to reward anyone who takes me up on my challenge...

...with a watermelon from my own garden. Yep! Somehow a watermelon vine began growing in our flowerbed—yes, I know how it works: I got that talk from just about every motivational speaker and preacher I heard as a teenager. I suspect someone had a barbecue a while back and spat seeds into our soil (it wasn't us because Marissa is mildly allergic to melons). Anyway, the point is we have fruit growing at our home! They're a long way from being ready to eat (only 3-4 (four) inches in length right now), but some day soon: through the teeth, over the gums, watch out stomach, here it comes!

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