Friday, August 8, 2008

New Day New Way

In the Bible, numbers are important and the number 8 represents new beginnings. God rested on the seventh day of creation and on the 8th, a new week began. And so on and so forth throughout the Bible.

Today's date is intriguing: 8/8/08. I know God doesn't work by man's calendar but it's fun to play with numbers. Texas State University had its summer commencement ceremonies today. I had several friends graduate. I heard on the radio that many people scheduled their weddings today. I wonder how many babies were born on this day? All of these people are beginning new seasons in their lives. Maybe it's something we should all consider doing.

Are you tired of the way things have been going? Are you eager for something new and exciting? I'm not suggesting everyone should start praying while standing on their heads. That would only lead to footprints on the wall and a headache. But what if you started praying in a new way? Have your prayers been answered the way you've prayed before? If not, maybe a new method wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Jesus taught us to pray by acknowledging God as our father, praising Him, thanking Him for what He's already done for us, interceding on behalf of others, praising Him some more, and then mentioning a few personal requests. We can go boldly before the throne of grace because of the peace Jesus Christ purchased for us at the cross. We should be thanking God for His promises, making petition for all of His children, and telling Him what we want while thanking Him for providing our needs. He's a big God; He can handle our desires. But He does ask for humility.

My point is this: dream big but put yourself in third place. God first and foremost, then others, then yourself. After all, these are the first and second great commandments according to the Lord Himself (Matthew 22:37-40). So go start a new season in your life...pray a new way!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

New beginnings---woohoo :) What a blessing from God :) This is going to be an awesome rest of time until rapture :) It only gets better and better!